Source code for lsst.sims.movingObjects.linearObs

from __future__ import print_function, division
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate

from .ooephemerides import PyOrbEphemerides
from .baseObs import BaseObs

__all__ = ['LinearObs']

[docs]class LinearObs(BaseObs): """Generate observations for a set of Orbits using linear interpolation. Uses linear interpolations between grid of true ephemerides. Ephemerides can be generated using 2-body or n-body integration. Parameters ---------- footPrint: str, opt Specify the footprint for the FOV. Options include "camera", "circle", "rectangle". 'Camera' means use the actual LSST camera footprint (following a rough cut with a circular FOV). Default is circular FOV. rFov : float, opt If footprint is "circle", this is the radius of the fov (in degrees). Default 1.75 degrees. xTol : float, opt If footprint is "rectangle", this is half of the width of the (on-sky) fov in the RA direction (in degrees). Default 5 degrees. (so size of footprint in degrees will be 10 degrees in the RA direction). yTol : float, opt If footprint is "rectangular", this is half of the width of the fov in Declination (in degrees). Default is 3 degrees (so size of footprint in degrees will be 6 degrees in the Dec direction). ephMode: str, opt Mode for ephemeris generation - nbody or 2body. Default is nbody. ephType: str, opt Type of ephemerides to generate - full or basic. Full includes all values calculated by openorb; Basic includes a more basic set. Default is Basic. (this includes enough information for most standard MAF metrics). ephFile: str or None, opt The name of the planetary ephemerides file to use for ephemeris generation. Default (None) will use the default for PyOrbEphemerides. obsCode: str, opt Observatory code for ephemeris generation. Default is "I11" - Cerro Pachon. obsTimeCol: str, opt Name of the time column in the obsData. Default 'observationStartMJD'. obsTimeScale: str, opt Type of timescale for MJD (TAI or UTC currently). Default TAI. seeingCol: str, opt Name of the seeing column in the obsData. Default 'seeingFwhmGeom'. This should be the geometric/physical seeing as it is used for the trailing loss calculation. visitExpTimeCol: str, opt Name of the visit exposure time column in the obsData. Default 'visitExposureTime'. obsRA: str, opt Name of the RA column in the obsData. Default 'fieldRA'. obsDec: str, opt Name of the Dec column in the obsData. Default 'fieldDec'. obsRotSkyPos: str, opt Name of the Rotator column in the obsData. Default 'rotSkyPos'. obsDegrees: bool, opt Whether the observational data is in degrees or radians. Default True (degrees). outfileName : str, opt The output file name. Default is 'lsst_obs.dat'. obsMetadata : str, opt A string that captures provenance information about the observations. For example: 'kraken_2026, MJD 59853-61677' or 'baseline2018a minus NES' Default ''. tstep : float, opt The time between points in the ephemeris grid, in days. Default 2 hours. """ def __init__(self, footprint='circular', rFov=1.75, xTol=5, yTol=3, ephMode='nbody', ephType='basic', obsCode='I11', ephFile=None, obsTimeCol='observationStartMJD', obsTimeScale='TAI', seeingCol='seeingFwhmGeom', visitExpTimeCol='visitExposureTime', obsRA='fieldRA', obsDec='fieldDec', obsRotSkyPos='rotSkyPos', obsDegrees=True, outfileName='lsst_obs.dat', obsMetadata='', tstep=2.0/24.0): super().__init__(footprint=footprint, rFov=rFov, xTol=xTol, yTol=yTol, ephMode=ephMode, ephType=ephType, obsCode=obsCode, ephFile=ephFile, obsTimeCol=obsTimeCol, obsTimeScale=obsTimeScale, seeingCol=seeingCol, visitExpTimeCol=visitExpTimeCol, obsRA=obsRA, obsDec=obsDec, obsRotSkyPos=obsRotSkyPos, obsDegrees=obsDegrees, outfileName=outfileName, obsMetadata=obsMetadata) self.tstep = tstep def _headerMeta(self): # Linear obs header metadata. self.outfile.write('# linear obs header metadata\n') self.outfile.write('# observation generation via %s\n' % self.__class__.__name__) self.outfile.write('# ephMode %s\n' % (self.ephMode)) self.outfile.write('# time step for ephemeris grid %f\n' % self.tstep) # Linear interpolation def _makeInterps(self, ephs): """Generate the interpolation functions for the linear interpolation. Parameters ---------- ephs : np.recarray Grid of actual ephemerides, for a single object. Returns ------- dictionary Dictionary of the interpolation functions. """ interpfuncs = {} for n in ephs.dtype.names: if n == 'time': continue interpfuncs[n] = interpolate.interp1d(ephs['time'], ephs[n], kind='linear', assume_sorted=True, copy=False) return interpfuncs def _interpEphs(self, interpfuncs, times, columns=None): """Calculate the linear interpolation approximations of the ephemeride columns. Parameters ---------- interpfuncs : dict Dictionary of the linear interpolation functions. times : np.ndarray Times at which to generate ephemerides. columns : list of str, opt List of the values to generate ephemerides for. Default None = generate all values. Returns ------- np.recarray Array of interpolated ephemerides. """ if columns is None: columns = interpfuncs.keys() dtype = [] for col in columns: dtype.append((col, '<f8')) dtype.append(('time', '<f8')) ephs = np.recarray([len(times)], dtype=dtype) for col in columns: ephs[col] = interpfuncs[col](times) ephs['time'] = times return ephs
[docs] def run(self, orbits, obsData): """Find and write the observations of each object to disk. For each object, identify the observations where the object is within rFOV of the pointing boresight (potentially, also in the camera footprint), and write the ephemeris values and observation metadata to disk. Uses linear interpolation between ephemeris gridpoints. Parameters ---------- orbits: lsst.sims.movingObjects.Orbits The orbits to generate ephemerides for. obsData : np.recarray The simulated pointing history data. """ # Set the times for the ephemeris grid. timeStep = float(self.tstep) timeStart = obsData[self.obsTimeCol].min() - timeStep timeEnd = obsData[self.obsTimeCol].max() + timeStep times = np.arange(timeStart, timeEnd + timeStep / 2.0, timeStep) print('Generating ephemerides on a grid of %f day timesteps, then will extrapolate to opsim times.' % (timeStep)) # For each object, identify observations where the object is within the FOV (or camera footprint). for sso in orbits: objid = sso.orbits['objId'].iloc[0] sedname = sso.orbits['sed_filename'].iloc[0] # Generate ephemerides on a grid. ephs = self.generateEphemerides(sso, times, ephMode=self.ephMode, ephType=self.ephType)[0] interpfuncs = self._makeInterps(ephs) ephs = self._interpEphs(interpfuncs, times=obsData[self.obsTimeCol], columns=['ra', 'dec']) # Find objects in the chosen footprint (circular, rectangular or camera) idxObs = self.ssoInFov(ephs, obsData) if len(idxObs) > 0: obsdat = obsData[idxObs] ephs = self._interpEphs(interpfuncs, times=obsdat[self.obsTimeCol]) # Write these observations to disk. self.writeObs(objid, ephs, obsdat, sedname=sedname)